General Mills wants to send you and your family to the movies for free and here´s how!
Starting in November, you can receive a free movie ticket when you purchase two specially marked packages of General Mills´ Cereals. After purchasing two cereals, visit generalmills.com/moviecash to enter the code found inside each box of cereal and print your free movie certificate good for admission to any movie. Participating brands include select sizes of: Honey Nut Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Trix and Reese´s Peanut Butter Puffs. To find a participating theater near you, log ontohttp://emoviecash.com/dis_locator/.
Starting in November, you can receive a free movie ticket when you purchase two specially marked packages of General Mills´ Cereals. After purchasing two cereals, visit generalmills.com/moviecash to enter the code found inside each box of cereal and print your free movie certificate good for admission to any movie. Participating brands include select sizes of: Honey Nut Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Trix and Reese´s Peanut Butter Puffs. To find a participating theater near you, log ontohttp://emoviecash.com/dis_locator/.
To enter to win a
"Movie Moment" prize pack that includes 4 e-movie cash certificates ($12 each) and one (1) free coupon for a General Mills cereal. This promotion is sponsored by general mills and the prize package is from My Blog Spark!!!
There are several ways to enter:
Sign up to be a follower on my blog.
Leave a comment about your very first movie memory.
I will randomly choose a winner on October 31st and annouce the winner on November 1st.
The first movie I remember was when I was four my mom took me to see E. T. I cried becuase I thought it was so sad, and haven't seen that movie again since! :)
ReplyDeleteI remember my grandma taking me to see Benji and we had to leave the theater because I was crying. I thought he was going to die.
Blog follower
The first movie on the big screen I remember seeing was Cinderella. It was my birthday party so my friends were with me too. I still want to be Cinderella... AFTER she gets away from her evil stepmom, of course!
ReplyDeleteMy first movie was Oliver and Company with my mom and my uncle. I loved it.
the first movie i remember is going to see the lion king when my grandparents were visiting
ReplyDeleteThe first movie memory was Breakfast at Tiffany's. It's my all time favorite one!
ReplyDeleteeye of the needle. i was little, i got freaked. still get chills thinking of that movie.
i'm a follower
The first movie I can remember was ET. It was great!
My first movie memory is going to the drive ins with my parents, we saw a Disney movie.
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ReplyDeleteI'm a follower!
ReplyDeleteI remember seeing the sound of music as a kid and being so excited when the nuns had disabled the car.
ReplyDeletemy first movie memory is going to see Bambi in theaters with my aunt. Huge treat
ReplyDeleteonecrypticmama AT yahoo DOT com
The first movie that I remember is actually a collection of cartoons that my dad played on an old projector. A bunch of neighborhood kids and parents would gather on blankets on our front lawn with kool-aid and popcorn and watch the movies being projected onto our front fence. We did this several times a month and it was always so much fun! Thanks for the contest!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite movie memory of my childhood is "The Sound of Music." I will never forget Julie Andrews running through the meadow with her arms outstretched and looking so free and happy with on the beautiful mountain.
ReplyDeleteI don't really remember going to the movie theaters as a child. I do remember that on Fridays we were allowed to stay up and watch Animal Kingdom and Wonderful World of Disney. My first movie for DVD player was Little Mermaid and I went to Beauty and the Beast pregnant with my first. The firswt movie I took my kids to(all 4 of them) in a theater was Brother Bear. We definitely qualify as a Disney family.
I don't remember going to the movies when i was a child but i do recall my first daughters first experience. We saw Spider Man and another at the drive inn. Of course, she didn't make it thru both but after seeing Spider Man she thought she could climb walls. It was soooooo cute!!!
ReplyDeleteThe first movie I remember was ET.